Dona Paranawithana
English Teacher and Associate Lecturer, International College of Management, Sydney
I had the opportunity to climb up the ladder in the education industry as an administrator. I expanded myself through teaching and lecturing, giving me a broader perspective. My vast experience in not only designing curriculums but also in compliance would bring value to this session. As an educator in the industry for over five years, I have been involved in ASQA audits and curriculum updates for ELICOS and VET courses. I had the opportunity to present at the NEAS conference in May 2024 on this theme and how my current institution has been taking the long and arduous process of identifying these gaps in the ELICOS courses.
Engaging Critical Thinking to Strengthen English Proficiency
In 2020, Australia had the highest ratio of international students per head of population in the world, making it one of the top destinations for studying English. ELICOS plays an essential role in our education industry. Thus, as educators of the industry, it is our responsibility and obligation to minimise educational gaps and provide an effective and efficient service. Though critical thinking is ignored, it is a profound topic that the industry needs to pay attention to. Hence, the workshop will provide great insight into what is required for the next phase of delivering ELICOS courses. The workshop will be divided into several sections looking at how critical thinking can be promoted in all English language skill teaching areas e.g. vocabulary expansion, reading comprehension and analysis, speaking and listening and writing.