Tasmanian Association of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages
Professional development, networking opportunities and resources for TESOL professionals
TasTESOL supports Tasmania’s EAL/D teachers by providing professional development and networking opportunities throughout the year. TasTESOL is affiliated with the Australian Council of TESOL Associations (ACTA). Through ACTA and other state and territory associations, TasTESOL provides members with access to resources, current research, and the opportunity to have their say on local and national issues.
Term 1 Forum
Each year, TasTESOL holds a state-wide conference and several themed forums. These events allow teachers to hear from local and interstate peers working in a wide range of contexts, to share ideas and resources, and to network. Browse past events to access presentations and related resources.
Access TESOL In Context, the peer-reviewed journal produced by ACTA, and browse our directory of TESOL service providers in Tasmania. There are also various teaching resources submitted by members. Access our Resources
News from ACTA
The Australian Council of TESOL Associations (ACTA) is a key national coordinating body for associations of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). Keep up to date on what is happening in the English Language teaching field at the national level. Read news from ACTA